Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Handsome helped me put pictures up yesterday:)

Monday, December 18, 2006


You would think I shouldn't be posting about my being sick. But Handsome and I were sick together. Not that I was happy that he was sick. It was just nice to have a friend who really understood how I felt. Even though Handsome was sick he and I had our date yesterday.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The etiquitte of parking

When going shopping with my mom, she would always park in the same parking lot. At first there it would seem that there were not spots available. But my mom would always wait a few minutes. Almost always a spot would become available. Since I have been driving, I try to have that same patience. Yesterday it paid off. At fist there was a whole group of cars waiting for a spot. But I just stayed where I was. After a few minutes, the rest of the cars gave up and after a split second a spot became available for me to park:)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lazy Susans

My mom gave me her old ones. It has made my kitchen just a little bit more clean and organized:)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A shoulder

Having a shoulder to cry on is so important. A shoulder that doesn't judge you but listens to your problems and won't let you give up. A shoulder that doesn't let you hate yourself. A shoulder that tells you that you are a part of the family. A shoulder that says you can cry on me whenever you need. A shoulder that says I will do whatever you need to help you. A shoulder that says you are stronger than you realize. I am so lucky for my shoulder. I wouldn't be here without it. I still be in bed under my covers for the rest of my life.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Library Opened 24/7

This year is the first year that my college is opened 24/7. Now for people who know i have never pulled an all nighter. But I am an early bird. It is nice to be able to go to the library as early as I want and not have to wait until 8am to start my paper:) Thank you library

Friday, December 01, 2006

Shabbos + friends from out of town:)

I have two friends coming to Baltimore for Shabbos. Neither are coming specifically for me. But who cares, THEY ARE COMING that is all that is important. Archives is coming for a wedding. I should thank the couple for getting married. Thank you couple for getting married. Archives, I just hope that I can get up in time. Either way I'll see you at kiddush:)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Workshop people

I have never realized how much I have enjoyed to students that I've gotten in my groups. Yesterday, I was subbed for another leader. The group ran so differently from my. It really made me appreciate all the students I've had.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My father and my stepmom

I always knew that my father and stepmom wouldn't completely understand when I got married. I always thought they would think I was rushing things. But since I brought Handsome to my dad's, they have been nothing but supportive. During wedding prep they were the only set of parents they were not thinking about themselves. All they cared about was that Handsome and I were happy. Whenever I spoke to them, the conversation always had it what can we do to make you to happy. Without their support I don't know where Handsome and I would be. They are so giving. I commented to Noam how all our lamps except one has come form them. On Thanksgiving, before we went home my stepmom offered me a new lamp and a gorgeous mirror. I always try and be thankfull to them but I feel that it is not enough. I love you guys!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Soooooooooooo much to be gratetful for

First of all Baruch Hashem Handsome got a promotion yesterday:) He has been working really hard and I am glad that his boses have noticed. He's going to be working even harder now I am going to have to remember to give him an easy time. Rav P from my school in Israel was in town. I haven't seen him in four years. It was wonderful to learn Torah with him. It was also very nice that I was able to go out and have a girls night with Stnx. I know that I am supposed to give her space right now, but she's a one of my friends that I want to make sure that I never lose. Rav P spoke about how the friends you have and where you live is very important. I have to make sure to make the effort with my friends because I am so lucky with the friends that I have:) Also I am very grateful that I got an A- minus on a paper that I didn't have a chance to give it my all. If it wasn't for my friend EEK I wouldn't have gotten such a good grade.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Writing as you all know is one of my mine weakness. I a not saying that it is my only weakness. Before I hand in any paper, I always have someone check it. Otherwise, I know that the paper will be no good. Today, I had three people who had very busy days look over my paper. I am gratefull to all of them.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Handsome's Kitchen

This Veteran's day Handsome had off from work. He made shabbos. It felt like a burden lifted. All the food was really good which of course had to do with our wonderful company.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Face lotion

My mom took me to Nordstroms to get new face cream. My face thanks mom a ton. It has only been two day now and my face already fill so much better than before:)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

True Friends

True friends are friends that are willing to tell you the truth even though they know it hurts. Not that they want to hurt you intentionally. Just that you they are trying to help you and telling you is the only way. True friends are able to understand even if you they their friends get mad. Their main concern is your well being. This is all easier sad then done. But it is so important. People call themselves your friends but aren't willing to pull through when you need them the most.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Giving is so much better than taking

I have one friend who I am not as close with anymore. But for her birthday I gave her apple butter. I knew that it didn't matter that it was a small gift but that it would still make her smile. I was right. When I gave it to her the smile was immediate:) That smile is better than any gift.

Friday, October 27, 2006

That's a stupid question

I am now trying to study for the DATS. I had a chem question that I asked Dr. G. After reading the question she said that is a dumb question. That made me feel better because if it was something that she felt that she had taught us I would have felt embarrased. Instead I felt justified that I hadn't understood the answer and she then explained the question and the answer. I love Dr. G and I don't know what I am going to do next year:(

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Handyman

Handsome, I you might not think of yourself as a Handyman, but your my handyman. I just appreciate that you're trying:)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Handsome and I made sushi yesterday with fresh salmon. It was so yummy. It was just a nice simple dinner:)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So much to say

This past week has been very busy. But everyday I've been thinking I have to post that. But now sitting infront of the computer they are not flowing out from my fingers. Just know that Sukkos was very nice and thank you Hansome for taking care of me when I was sick last week:)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

North Dakota!!!

Yesterday, the coke machine was sold out of diet coke. When I got my change back, I recieved two North Dakota quarters:) One for me and one for my professor:)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mom of babysitting family/ Sister/ Friend

If it wasn't for this person, I don't think my life would be as good as it is now. She has done so much for me it would take a whole other blog to say thank you to her. First of all sometimes she justs listens to what I have to say. Just that makes things better. She always takes time out of her very busy life to be there for me. After being with her, I always hope to be like her when I have kids. Her advice that she gives me is nervous in a lecturess manner. She only wants what is best for me. She has taken me and now my handsome as well as part of her family and I am so lucky to be a part of it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

A little bit of Grandma Laura in me:)

Handsome was sick this week, and I went to get him so chicken soup (the good wife that I am). When I ordered it, I made sure to ask for the matza ball on the side. I didn't want to lose any of the chicken soup:)

Friday, September 22, 2006


A simple I love you note is worth all the gems in the world. Thank you handsome:) The ring is beautiful and I do appreciate it as well:)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Telling a person that you are sorry does make a difference. You might think that it's just words, how can they make you feel better? But it really does. When you tell me you are sorry you are telling me that you understand that you hurt me and you won't do it again. So thank you for telling me. I really appreciate it. I know that admitting that you were wrong is not easy.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Hug and Kiss

A Hug can make all the difference. When Zaidy gives me a hug, I always feel that he truly loves me and is excited to see me. It makes all the difference. It’s a hug that makes me feel all warm.
A kiss can also make a difference. My niece is just learning how to kiss and yesterday she leaned forward to give me one. It was very cute because you could tell that she hasn’t learned yet that your lips tough the other person. She just leans forward with her mouth slightly open to give a kiss. It was very cute especially because I didn’t ask her for one. She just gave me one. Which are the are the best type!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Community Carnival!

Today, after the Raven won (thank G-d), Handsome took me to a carnival. It was a lot of fun. Of course silly me had to hurt myself on a kidy ride. But it was just a nice atmosphere to spend a Sunday afternoon with handsome. Walking around, seeing people we know, eating together and laughing!

Special Friends

I really am lucky with the friends that I have. I have one friend in particular who never makes me feel bad when I call her even when its to complain. I miss her very much and I can't wait for her to come home soon.( Two more weeks!)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Home Depot

Yesterday, I asked Handsome to come with me to buy new fluorescent light bulbs. He said yes without any begging needed. As we were driving one of his friends suggested he just go to Rite Aid. He answered because he liked going to Home Depot and feeling manly. Whatever makes him happy and willing to come and do errands with me!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Dad and Stepmom

I don't remember a time without my stepmom. They have been married for over I think 18 years or so. Their philosophy on my sister and I keeping Kosher was do what you want but we won't go out of our way to help you. Well yesterday for the first time, they offered to pick up pizza for handsome and I. Thank you dad and mom!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

No more cleaning mice cages!!!

This summer part of my job was cleaning mice cages. But no more. During the school year the pay someone else to do it!! Now, I only I have the fun part of the lab. Also last night Handsome surprised me with a whole night planned. He worked so hard and it showed. It was a night to remember and I am the luckiest girl!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy anniversary!

Today last year my husband proposed to me and I said yes! Since then my life did a complete 180. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I love waking up and sleeping with him and everything in between. For various reasons we couldn't go on a vacation this summer, but he took off a couple of days from work and we went to several places in the area. The best complement he gave me was "I wouldn't want to spend vacation with anyone else but you."
I love you handsome!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thank you notes

People were extremely generous when giving my husband and I wedding gifts. My grandmother instilled in my very early on that thank you notes are essential. That lesson has not been lost on me. But my husband and I have taken our time writing them. Thankfully, we finished and mailed I would say almost 95 percent of them. I am so happy they are done. It has been a burden forever. I would like to say thank you to my husband who was very patient with me and didn’t get annoyed at me for begging to finish the thank you notes. I love handsome!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I usually don't name my mice, but this was unexpected surprise. I was changing the mice's water when all of a sudden a found a little pink thing in one of the cages. Normally, mice have a litter of two or more. One is pretty unusual. It has been a lot of fun watching his mom taking care of Alef. Yesterday, i put some cotton for Alef and today his mom made it in to a little cozy "crib" for him. It just so much fun watching him and I am going to enjoy watching him grow into an adult. I know that sounds a little weird but hay thats me.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I haven't posted everyday like I said. But Friday I was preparing for shabbat, and Saturday night I went to a wedding. Today I am thankful for time. I realized today that there are certain things that are completely out of our control. Only when G-d wants it to occur will it happen. Two or three years ago, there was something that I thought I could control if I just did x y and z. I thought I had accomplished my goal. G-d works in funny ways, but He knows what he is doing. I am not sure why G-d thought it needed to take three years but I don't see the whole picture. I am just happy that it is over.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Why I am starting this blog

This past year I’ve let certain events and people in my life control my feelings and my life. I can’t let that continue. I need to take control of my life and let my life pass me by in my bed where certain days I would have stayed in all day if not for my good friend. My goal with this website everyday to try and find something that made the day good or what I have in my life that I take for granted and should appreciate more. I am a true believer that what makes you happy isn’t getting more in your life, but in appreciating what you already have in your life. Now I am not saying that I follow this all the time. But I know it to be true.