Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Workshop people

I have never realized how much I have enjoyed to students that I've gotten in my groups. Yesterday, I was subbed for another leader. The group ran so differently from my. It really made me appreciate all the students I've had.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My father and my stepmom

I always knew that my father and stepmom wouldn't completely understand when I got married. I always thought they would think I was rushing things. But since I brought Handsome to my dad's, they have been nothing but supportive. During wedding prep they were the only set of parents they were not thinking about themselves. All they cared about was that Handsome and I were happy. Whenever I spoke to them, the conversation always had it what can we do to make you to happy. Without their support I don't know where Handsome and I would be. They are so giving. I commented to Noam how all our lamps except one has come form them. On Thanksgiving, before we went home my stepmom offered me a new lamp and a gorgeous mirror. I always try and be thankfull to them but I feel that it is not enough. I love you guys!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Soooooooooooo much to be gratetful for

First of all Baruch Hashem Handsome got a promotion yesterday:) He has been working really hard and I am glad that his boses have noticed. He's going to be working even harder now I am going to have to remember to give him an easy time. Rav P from my school in Israel was in town. I haven't seen him in four years. It was wonderful to learn Torah with him. It was also very nice that I was able to go out and have a girls night with Stnx. I know that I am supposed to give her space right now, but she's a one of my friends that I want to make sure that I never lose. Rav P spoke about how the friends you have and where you live is very important. I have to make sure to make the effort with my friends because I am so lucky with the friends that I have:) Also I am very grateful that I got an A- minus on a paper that I didn't have a chance to give it my all. If it wasn't for my friend EEK I wouldn't have gotten such a good grade.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Writing as you all know is one of my mine weakness. I a not saying that it is my only weakness. Before I hand in any paper, I always have someone check it. Otherwise, I know that the paper will be no good. Today, I had three people who had very busy days look over my paper. I am gratefull to all of them.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Handsome's Kitchen

This Veteran's day Handsome had off from work. He made shabbos. It felt like a burden lifted. All the food was really good which of course had to do with our wonderful company.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Face lotion

My mom took me to Nordstroms to get new face cream. My face thanks mom a ton. It has only been two day now and my face already fill so much better than before:)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

True Friends

True friends are friends that are willing to tell you the truth even though they know it hurts. Not that they want to hurt you intentionally. Just that you they are trying to help you and telling you is the only way. True friends are able to understand even if you they their friends get mad. Their main concern is your well being. This is all easier sad then done. But it is so important. People call themselves your friends but aren't willing to pull through when you need them the most.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Giving is so much better than taking

I have one friend who I am not as close with anymore. But for her birthday I gave her apple butter. I knew that it didn't matter that it was a small gift but that it would still make her smile. I was right. When I gave it to her the smile was immediate:) That smile is better than any gift.