Friday, October 27, 2006

That's a stupid question

I am now trying to study for the DATS. I had a chem question that I asked Dr. G. After reading the question she said that is a dumb question. That made me feel better because if it was something that she felt that she had taught us I would have felt embarrased. Instead I felt justified that I hadn't understood the answer and she then explained the question and the answer. I love Dr. G and I don't know what I am going to do next year:(

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Handyman

Handsome, I you might not think of yourself as a Handyman, but your my handyman. I just appreciate that you're trying:)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Handsome and I made sushi yesterday with fresh salmon. It was so yummy. It was just a nice simple dinner:)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So much to say

This past week has been very busy. But everyday I've been thinking I have to post that. But now sitting infront of the computer they are not flowing out from my fingers. Just know that Sukkos was very nice and thank you Hansome for taking care of me when I was sick last week:)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

North Dakota!!!

Yesterday, the coke machine was sold out of diet coke. When I got my change back, I recieved two North Dakota quarters:) One for me and one for my professor:)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mom of babysitting family/ Sister/ Friend

If it wasn't for this person, I don't think my life would be as good as it is now. She has done so much for me it would take a whole other blog to say thank you to her. First of all sometimes she justs listens to what I have to say. Just that makes things better. She always takes time out of her very busy life to be there for me. After being with her, I always hope to be like her when I have kids. Her advice that she gives me is nervous in a lecturess manner. She only wants what is best for me. She has taken me and now my handsome as well as part of her family and I am so lucky to be a part of it.